Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Scripture References on Influence

The following is a list of scripture references on the purpose of Influence. I do not intend to suggest that these in any way are exhaustive. Please look at them and add others to the list as you study.

Acts 8:1-8: As the church spread because of the persecution they certainly went about preaching the gospel, but it is also a safe assumption that they were influencing many with their new and different way of life.

Clossians 4:5-6: Paul is trying to help the church members in Colossae know how they should live out their faith in their daily lives. His concern here is how Christians behave toward outsiders. He teaches that they should take advantage of every opportunity to influece them through their example and their speech.

1 Thessalonians 4:12: Here the Christians are being encouraged to lead a quiet and productive life as they wait upon the last day. Part of this reasoning that Paul uses to encourage them toward this life is that they may gain the respect of outsiders.

Matthew 5:16: This is the central text for the purpose of influence. The idea is that by being salt and light we will bring praise to God. Sure this passage can be viewed from the perspective of evangelism, but before we teach we must act.

Romans 12:17-21: Overcoming evil with good implies influence not coercion.


  1. Good passages. Which one are you planning on preaching this Sunday? The first one really catches me. The first Christians take the word wherever they go in spite of and as a result of persecution. What motivated them? I see an urgency in their actions that we seem to have lost. Where is our urgency? This would be a good application of that text in my opinion.

  2. 2 Thessalonians was a good choice. Class and worship were both great. Good to be able to study ahead for all of us. Thanks for the extras.

  3. 1 Kings 10 is a good example of the influence that God has always desired for his people. Look at the statement that the queen of Sheba makes when she experiences the kingdom of Israel. And also look at how quickly the influence is lost in chapters 10-12 when Solomon is led astray and his son Rehoboam takes the throne. Strong lessons in these chapters on influence.
